The purpose of these sessions is to cultivate greater harmony and understanding between you and your animal(s). Primarily using animal communication, my role is to provide my intuitive understanding of your animal(s) for the purpose of deepening the human / animal bond. These sessions primarily utilize animal communication, although they may include other relationship building techniques as needed, such as:

  • offering exercises for my human clients to tap into their own intuitive understanding of their animal’s experiences

  • guiding discussions for the purpose of leading the human client towards a deeper understanding of themselves, their animal, and the relationship they have with their animal

  • serving as a soundboard for the available options while the human client makes decisions for their animal

What is an intuitive animal reading?

Absolutely! You’re invited to bring forward as many animals as the time together allows. If you’d like to work with more than 2-3 animals, I recommend booking a full hour.

Can I work with more than 1 animal per session?

Nope! The best part about this work is that we don’t need to physically share space with our animals to tap into our intuition! The most important part of the session is that your animals feel happy and comfortable.

Do I need to have my animals with me physically at the time of the call?

How should I prepare for my reading?

While there’s nothing participants need to specifically “do” to prepare for their reading, I find that clients have the best experience when they choose a location for their call that is quiet and has reliable wifi or service. You should feel free to prepare questions for your animals ahead of time, although this is not required. Bringing tissues and a glass of water can also support those who anticipate feeling emotional during the reading.

You are welcome to bring as many people to your reading as desired - this will not disrupt the process. I do not charge extra for additional seats. Be aware that the Zoom invite will only be sent to the email used on the intake form at booking, so you will have to forward the Zoom invite to additional participants if they are joining on Zoom.

Can I bring someone to my reading?

How often can I get a reading?

While I don’t currently have structured guidelines as to when my clients can book readings, I do advise my clients to be mindful of their intention before booking a reading. While animal intuitive readings can provide peace, comfort, and answers, they can never replace professional grief counseling, mental health support, behavior training, or veterinary advice. Additionally, receiving readings too frequently can result in a lot of repetitive messages simply because not much has changed in the human or animals’ lives. Ultimately, my clients are invited to make the decision that best serves their unique goals, while being mindful of their intention before every reading they book.

Can I get a reading for an animal who has passed away?

Yes! We can also work with living and passed animals in the same reading.

How soon after an animal has passed away can I get a reading?

I do recommend that my clients wait until they’ve had time to process the initial shock and rawness of the death - at least a few weeks - before booking a reading. This time allows both human and animal to process the transition and show up for the reading more prepared to make a connection. Additionally, I advise all my clients to be mindful about their intention before booking to work with an animal who has passed. While animal intuitive readings can provide peace and comfort, they are not a replacement for professional grief counseling or mental health support. Ultimately, my clients are invited to make the decision that best serves their unique grief journey, while being mindful of their intention before they book the reading.
